Recently a man asked me for a reading about a potential negative situation that he believes he will be facing soon. I could tell that he was really nervous about what might happen.
I did the reading, and much to his surprise I think, and probably disbelief, the reading was really positive. The spread clearly showed that his worries are justified, but that everything is going to work out just fine in the end.
And isn’t life often like that? Something negative happens to us, but then something even better comes along.
But when it was over I could tell that despite the very positive reading, he was still super nervous. So, today I pulled some cards for myself, checking on him. And yeah, those cards showed that he remains extremely concerned.
So, I reached out to make sure that he was doing OK.
And I think that in some cases that is our responsibility when we read for others.
Often a querent will come to us when they are really nervous about something. They are looking for reassurance, or even a strategy to deal with what might be ahead for them.
I’ve read Tarot for a very long time now. I know from my own experience that I can and should trust the readings I receive and the readings I do for myself. I know, without any doubt that Tarot works.
But our querents might not be like that. Often they probably aren’t like that. They are more like this man, doubtful, wondering if he can trust the really positive reading he received.
And, that’s OK.
It’s not ideal, because he is sending all that worry out where it may work to attract what he fears to himself, but we, as Tarot readers can’t force someone to stop worrying.
But what we can do is check in. To make sure that they are doing OK.
Undoubtedly a connection is created when we read the cards for someone else. And part of our responsibility, once that connection is created, can be to reach out when it feels needed.
Just to make sure that everyone is OK.
Thank for you for this wise and compassionate guidance. Feels like an important consideration to bear in mind, and act on.
Do you keep a specific page for reading requests and do you prefer in person or do you do long-distance?