Dear Bolo Tie Guy
While in college, I dated a very talented artist. Sadly, he passed away many years ago. During our relationship, I occasionally modeled for his artwork, including one instance where I posed nude. He gave me the painting when we broke up, and I've kept it hidden away ever since.
I've been considering giving this painting to my husband as a unique gift. However, I'm unsure if it would be considered strange or if he would even appreciate it. Should I just discard it instead?
Nervous Former Model
Dear Nervous,
All these Swords and the 7 of Cups show that you are really overthinking this situation.
The King of Swords symbolizes your husband’s mature love for you, and shows that he will appreciate receiving the painting as a gift. The Ace of Swords, positioned here reminds us that the painting will of course remind him that others loved you before him, but no one today fools themselves into believing that we are our partner’s only one.
The 7 of Cups indicates that you’ve thought about this for far too long, and that the time to make a decision is here.
If you were to discard the painting, you would in effect be robbing your husband of the enjoyment of it (and yourself.) We can see this in the 5 of Swords.
The 6 of Cups symbolizes the love between you and your husband, and you should feel easy and free within that love. Gifting the painting to him will not harm it, and indeed will be perceived by him as a loving gesture.
Stop worrying Nervous. The painting is a wonderful reminder of your past, and a delightful, deeply personal gift for your husband. Surely he does not believe himself to be the only person to have ever laid eyes upon your form.
He will appreciate the gift, and you would regret disposing of it instead.
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As I read I was wondering where this was going? Interesting you can ask a tarot reader online for advice. I hope she gives her husband the painting.