Undoubtedly vast numbers of us can improve our professional and personal lives by increasing our skill with the written word. Putting pen to paper (so to speak) remains the most powerful way for us to communicate our thoughts and emotions to others, and the only reliable method we have for placing our words outside of the constraints of time.
Tarot is a highly effective, and fun way for us to increase these skills.
These are two quick and easy exercises:
Pull a card from the deck at random. Imagine that it is a photograph in a newspaper or magazine. Write a caption explaining that photograph to the publication’s imaginary readers.
Pull three to five cards, placing them in a line left to right. Imagine, and write, the story that they tell.
Make a game out of it:
Each player receives three cards and has three minutes to come up with a story based upon the images in those cards. After all the stories are told, all players vote for the best story, the creator of which is deemed the winner. A game like this can be played by all ages and is a great way for us to encourage the children in our lives to use their imaginations.
Little things like this, done on a regular basis, can greatly strengthen our creativity, and our intuition, in addition to sharpening our written and verbal communication skills. Self improvement in each of these areas will result in positive and practical improvements in our professional and personal lives.