After a short break for the Independence Day holiday, let’s jump back into Tarot School, and take a look at the second half of our Celtic Cross spread. The active energies impacting our querent’s situation.
If you missed, or want to review the previous posts examining this spread, you can find them at:
Go take a look and I’ll meet you right back here.
Great, you’re back, so let’s get started with the Two of Cups!
Just as a quick reminder, our querent is a woman in her in her late 30’s, asking about her current romantic relationship.
The Two of Cups, serving as the base of the vertical half of our spread, illustrates how our querent sees herself in relation to the situation she is asking about. This symbolism indicates that she feels as if she is a good and loving partner, doing all that she can to make the relationship continue to thrive. She doesn’t see any damage that she may have caused.
Just above it, the Three of Swords symbolizes her partner’s view of her. It indicates that while she may not see it, or may not acknowledge it, she has hurt her partner. She has said or done things that have caused ill feelings, and those feelings remain at the forefront. There hasn’t been meaningful apology, forgiveness, or forgetting.
Viewing these two cards together, we can see a very plain and very strong disconnect between how our querent sees herself and how her partner sees her. This disconnect is the result of the conflict we saw with the Five of Wands and Knight of Swords, and it will have to be resolved if the relationship is going to return to its previous happy and fulfilling state.
The Page of Swords is in a spread position that can signify a number of different things: our querent’s hopes and fears; advice; the lesson.
In this spread, I see it as the lesson, and that lesson is two fold. Our querent, while not giving up on her own point of view or giving in, should strive to understand her partner’s differing point of view, just as she hopes her partner will understand where she is coming from. At this moment they are at loggerheads because neither is willing to consider the other’s position. That needs to change.
Additionally, both of them need to sincerely apologize to the other for the hurt that has been caused, as symbolized by the Three of Swords earlier. As she is the one receiving the reading, we would do well to advise her to start the process of healing with an apology to her partner.
Our final card, the King of Cups illustrates that when she makes that first move towards healing, it will be reciprocated. The relationship can return to the goodness that it had before, and both partners will have grown emotionally as a result, having learned from the mistakes that were made, and will be stronger in the future.
This completes the second half of our Celtic Cross. The reading remains quite positive for our querent. This half of the spread symbolizes active energies impacting our querent’s situation, and indeed it clearly shows two actionable steps that she can take to improve that situation. Finally, it shows that if she takes those steps, her partner will respond in kind, and both will grow emotionally from the experience.
In our next post, I’ll give my answers to some of the questions I asked way back in Tarot School No. 2.0.
In the meantime, does this shake out any thoughts for you?
Is there anything in my reading of these cards that you agree, or disagree with? A way that you would express or read things differently?
Do you think the advice I would communicate to the querent is solid, or would you give her something else?
Is there anything you would like me to expand upon?
Does this offer any insight to you?
Let’s chat about it in the comments below…
Such an outstanding series! Keep up the good work, Brother!
Loved your interpretation! I had never heard the 3 of swords as apology- that’s interesting! And also love how you interpreted the king of cups at the end.