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Dec 28
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I guess I never really was so specific as to see The High Priestess as my 'birth card' to be honest, I never really considered the idea of having a birth card to be a thing. Rather I just have always looked at it as 'my' card.

The Hierophant just always made more sense to me, because more often than not through my life I've found myself in a leadership role, including in what I consider to be largely spiritual groups or gatherings.

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The real question is: are any of us just one "thing" or just one person ?

The answer is, I think, "No." Each of us is complex and often, also complicated.

If the Tarot are telling you The High Priestess, then I'd hazard a guess that your subconscious experiences itself as the High Priestess. While I'm in no way well versed in Jung, perhaps a Jungian perspective would you deepen your insight on this card. Maybe your anima is well integrated, or maybe when you're reading or doing Masonic work it's your anima and intuition that are the front-players ? Or, maybe the High Priestess is the Archetype you're moving in, in which case She's The Sophia - innate wisdom. These are only guesses on my part.

Astrology is another tool which I also don't know enough about, but I absolutely agree Sun signs are BS *if* you rely on that alone. It also depends on the system you're using: modern, Hellenistic/Traditional (the astrology of John Dee), Vedic, what? The position of the Sun in the chart, the House it's in, how it's aspected - is the engine at the centre of the Cosmic snapshot that is you. It's only one piece of information. Is your chart a night chart or a day chart? That influences which planets are benifics or not. What's the chart ruler that your Rising sign gives you and what house is it in, and how is it aspected, and is it debilitated, exalted, or in domicile? And which is your Rising planet - the one closes to your Ascendant in your chart? Your Moon and your Nodes are also important pieces of information as well. You also need to look at the elements and modalities of each planet and figure out which you have more of of each - that gives your chart it's signature.

So all of those things give you the fabric, the weft and weave, that your working with. Thus whatever calculations your friend helped you with, probably give you a distillation of the *physical* archetype you are working with. Interestingly you get a working pair - the High Priestess and the Hierophant are both figures of wisdom and spiritual authority - one is inner-directed, the other outer directed, and both have strengths and shadow-sides.

So I'd say in this lifetime you have pretty good balance both archetypically and energetically.

Personally, I like Hellenistic and Vedic systems for very different reasons. Both let you figure out what talismans you can make to modify, or correct, weaker points in your chart - and that's fascinating to me. They're kind of like astrological supplements you can take. Hellenistic is interesting because that's the astrology of John Dee, Edward Lily, and the Elizebethan court wizards, but most of all because it gives me historical insight in to their thinking processes in decision making. Many of their customers were merchants and explorers and I often think our world would be shaped very differently if that ingredient in the calculation mix hadn't been there. When is the best time to set sail or to begin an undertaking? Who do we take on the voyage based on their charts? When is a good time to attack and enemy is we are at war. These are nation and history shaping decisions and they were informed, though not exclusively, by astrology. Vedic is interesting to me simply because it's so different and really kind of beautiful.

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The Astrologer I know (and who actually makes good sense to me 😎) works with Hellenistic Astrology. There is much to value within it, as far as I understand it.

>>>Interestingly you get a working pair - the High Priestess and the Hierophant are both >>>figures of wisdom and spiritual authority - one is inner-directed, the other outer directed, >>>and both have strengths and shadow-sides.

This is certainly true, the cards are quite complementary to each other. I'm going to have to contemplate how they might be integrated with each other, within me.

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Maybe the hierophant represents you and the high priestess represents the feminine archetype that most loves you🤷🏻‍♀️ or wants to love you

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That is certainly an interesting take, thank you for sharing it! I've been thinking about this for a few hours, since you mentioned it, and presume that it will continue rolling around in my thoughts over the coming days.

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