Dec 14, 2022Liked by Cameron M. Bailey

What are some of your favorite decks that Freemasons have been involved in creating? Especially interested to know outside of obvious ones (like Waite and Wirth). Thanks!

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I am sorry, but I'm a really, really dull guy when it comes to the decks I use.

The first two decks I ever bought (I bought them together) were a yellow box Rider-Waite and a Thoth that I now know to be a 'greenie.' That was back in the late 1980's.

I've largely stuck with Waite-Smith ever since.

When it comes to Waite-Smith though, I certainly do have opinions, as I've got many versions of the deck. My hands down favorite is the Centennial by US Games. I like the cardstock, I like the size, I like the backs, and I like the coloring. It is in my view the best version of the Waite-Smith deck.

I love the artwork on the Thoth. It is, and always has been to me, the most beautiful deck I've ever seen. But I can't read with it. I've tried to read with it, I've read books about reading with it, but it just doesn't speak to me.

A lot of people claim that Crowley wasn't a Freemason. A lot of people, and Grand Lodges have a vested interest in claiming that Crowley wasn't a Freemason. I've seen 'evidence' that he was, and 'evidence' that he wasn't, but nothing that has ever been compelling enough for me to decide definitely. In my mind, he may or may not have been regularly initiated, passed, and raised, but even if he was not, it is undoubtedly true that he was at a minimum initiated, passed, and raised, in an irregular Lodge.

Sorry for the sidebar there, got off on a tangent!

I've found that I've experienced a bit of love at first sight with the deck that is the subject of this post, also created by a Freemason. It is the first deck I've ever owned that was Majors only, in the past if I wanted such a reading I'd just separate the Majors from the rest of the deck, but when I saw photos of this deck, I knew that I had to have it.

A couple of less well known decks created by Freemasons, that are quite superb I think:

Tarot Of Ceremonial Magick by Lon Milo Duquette

The Knapp-Hall Tarot deck

Brother Lon's Tarot can be found online, and the Knapp-Hall has a reprint in pre-order now.

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