Really love that! My version of the cross sort of came from a non- traditional deck’s guidebook. It evolved with me over the years.

Top-down: the head(what you are thinking about sushi as anxieties/dreams), the q, two cards crossed over that which is the situation, and below that the distant past (one’ roots) which form a foundation for the q.

It’s a bastardized version but it works for me. I can’t really trace where I got some of those positions. I have a different version of the wand side positions too, but they are fairly close to traditional meanings.

I tink I may try these other ideas tho. We can evolve, right?

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Thank you! Yeah, I think that we probably all evolve our own personal ways of reading the Celtic Cross, if we stick with it for any length of time. Certainly, the books I read have authors who are usually a bit different in their own position interpretations. And that's OK. I think that Waite certainly left a lot of room for interpretation of positions when he first wrote about the spread, and he probably assumed that people would come up with their own way of doing things. Certainly I think that Tarot is best when it is unique and personal, just as we all are!

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Gah spell check. Really, iPhone? Sushi=such as

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I enjoyed reading that!

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Thank you VW! I'm glad you found some value in it!

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